The Last Tyranid I’ll Ever Paint

wh39kRTerrorWIP (3)Back in 2010, I had dipped my Tyranids for the last time.

Then I did it again in 2013.

Flash forward to 2014, and I’ve finished painting “my last Tyranid model,” though I know full well that if I keep playing this game, I’ll wind up dipping them again in a few years (or maybe even more frequently than that, given that the last two endeavors were just over a year apart).

Still, it’s an accomplishment to have painted the last model in my army. And we’re not talking about a small skirmish force here. At last count, the tally was somewhere north of 10,000 points (or as much as 14k, depending upon how you look at it). I haven’t bothered to do the math again, but I’m sure that once they’re all dipped, I’ll work up a proper spreadsheet again, along with new army shots of everything (though I might need a bigger table for that!).

The last model? The Red Terror.

wh39kRTerrorWIP (1)I didn’t plan for him to be any sort of special finale or anything. In reality, he was more of an oversight. I had some bits laying around (an almost complete model, really), and figured if I was going to be bothered to dip, I might as well paint him up as well. And so he was born.

I went into the details really in my earlier post, so I won’t rehash those here. One thing I noticd though is that my interest in doing quality work with these has waned as of late. I’ve been trying to finish these up since January, and now I’m at the stage where I’m just rushing them out (not that I ever took a whole lot of effort on this army, mind you). Still, I had him pinned up, and spent a few days looking for my green stuff. Eventually, in my searching, I stumbled upon another section of gray sculpting putty—which is practically the same thing, right?

Well, then I discovered that I couldn’t find my sculpting tool. Seeing as I’d already spent a few days looking for putty, I just grabbed a dentist pick that I had laying around and used that. As a result, the putty work on his lower scything talons and the blob that holds his body to his tail aren’t exactly stellar (which is putting it mildly). Thankfully, the lower arms are all but covered up by his flailing talons and large tail, and the tail itself is bent in weird places, so the sharp turn where it meets the body almost looks natural.

wh39kRTerrorWIP (2)Not that I care to do anything about it. I’m just glad to be finished, and I don’t care to go back and touch anything up. I know that’s the wrong attitude to have (especially because I’m only “finished” with this stage: they still need to be dipped and based).

Honestly though, I’m happy with how he turned out. That might just be me settling, but he really doesn’t look bad to me. The head still looks large when viewed from a model’s eye view, but from above, I think he looks quite good. The paint job is basic, as always, but I gave him some splashes of red (to signify the name). One thing about the paint job that changed though is that I took the red stripe off of the back of his skull. I originally wanted to make him stand out a little more, but I think he’s significantly different from the rest of the raveners that the stripe was unnecessary, and I didn’t like the way it looked in the photos.

He’s now joined a pile of other Tyranids waiting for a bath in polyurethane. Sadly, I just remembered that I gave away all of my 2’x4’s last week, so I’ll probably have to go buy a couple of more in order to make some rigging to properly dip/hang the various parts. Doh!



731 down, 1 more to go

wh39kRedTerror (1)With 842 models painted, I only have one more left before I can dip my Tyranids again and finally be “finished” for the last time painting my army (for the third time).

You may have noticed that the title says “731 down” and the first sentence says “842 down,” and perhaps you’re wondering why that is.  Well, that’s because I don’t have a tally of all of the models I’ve painted, but I do know it’s a bunch.  Practically speaking, I’m guessing it’s less than 700.  Off the top of my head, I have about 100 genestealers, 100 spore mines, 100 termagants, 50 hormagaunts… well, now that I’m going through it, maybe those numbers aren’t so far fetched.

But the important part of that statement is the “1 more to go” portion.

wh39kRedTerror (3)The Red Terror was absent from the previous Tyranid codex, so I never bothered to paint him up.  I guess I never bothered to make an Old One Eye either (for that one, I figured I could just use a carnifex model with crushing claws).

Well, about a year ago, a local gaming buddy, Dan wound up giving me an almost complete metal Red Terror model (missing one of his arm spikes).  That was shortly after the last time I’d “finished” dipping my force, so I didn’t think I was going to go back and paint him.  Plus there was the pesky issue with him being incomplete.  Well, I’ve been watching ebay trying to find a spare scything talon to match, but have come up short consistently, so I wound up buying a metal ravener and converting him to have the Red Terror’s head and tail.

wh39kRedTerror (2)At this point, he still needs putty work (especially because I had somewhere in the realm of 16 pairs of Ravener scything talon arms, but apparently zero of the little ones on the bottom–so I had to butch up a larger pair to fit.

The head looks out of place from a model’s eye point of view, but I’m hoping that with the scything talons all flayed out, he won’t look so goofy.  Surprisingly, I couldn’t find any conversions online of someone doing this sort of thing, so if you have any pointers, please let me know.

More progress on this guy to come…

Painting Progress: Biovores & Pyrovores

wh39kPaintedBiovores (1)Painting progress has been coming relatively slow for me as of late (at least it’s a marked improvement over last year).  I can make up excuses, but the big driving force for me to finally get them done is that I’m trying to refrain from playing any of the new bugs until I have everything dipped, so I’m trying to wrap up the last of the stuff.

After today, I’ve almost completed it.  This past weekend, I scrounged together some time and painted up my biovores & pyrovores.  Naturally, they’re just going to be dipped, so I don’t do all that much detail on them (and I’m still quite pleased with the eventual outcome).

In total, I prepped five models for dipping: three pyrovores (who knows, maybe in 8th edition they’ll actually be good?  It seems far too unlikely that they’ll be good in 7th edition, seeing how they sucked rocks in both 5th & 6th), and two biovores.  The biovores will round out three full squads of three (that’s a total of nine for those that are counting).  I’m not sure how often I’ll use them, but they’re really quite good and affordable (at least in game–GW wants an arm and a leg for those little metal fellows).

wh39kPaintedBiovores (2)Since they’re just a base coat of sorts, there isn’t much to talk about on the scheme.  They’re primed black with an ultramarine basecoat and “bleached bone” for the carapace (I say bleached bone, but they’re really some cheap knock-off from Michael’s).  The reds are the same tones I use for my marine weapons, and the greens were honestly just what I had laying around (I honestly don’t remember the name of a single color included–except the final highlight might be scorpion green… or is it snot green?).

So yeah, not much to talk about, and really not much to look at (at least until dipping), but I’m happy that I made some time to work on them.  By my count, there’s only one model level to paint before I can dip.

Can that really be the case?  Stay tuned!

Batrep: Hive Fleet Proteus vs. Chaos Space Marines (1888 pts)

My most recent game was against Brandon where we each got a little taste of formations in 40k:

Hive Fleet Proteus:

  • wh39kTyranidsVBrandon (1)HQ:
    • Flyrant with Maw Claws, Heavy Venom Cannon, & Toxin Sacs (Dominion & Catalyst)
  • Troops:
    • 17x Hormagaunts
    • 17x Hormagaunts
  • Heavy Support:
    • Trygon Prime w/ Toxin Sacs
    • Trygon Prime w/ Toxin Sacs
    • 3x Biovores
  • Formation: Wrecker Node
    • 3x Tyranid Warriors w/ Rending Claws & Deathspitters
    • 1x Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands
    • 1x Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands
    • 1x Carnifex w/ Adrenal Glands
  • Formation: Manufactorum Genestealers
    • 5x Genestealers
    • 5x Genestealers
    • 5x Genestealers
    • 5x Genestealers
    • 5x Genestealers

Well, this was certainly a deviation from standard lists for me. My goal was to try out a formation, but the end product was that I ultimately used two. I’m really surprised to see how little synapse I included (only four points), and that I completely omitted both Elites and Fast Attack choices (which I think is quite unusual for either). Even when you include the formations, I didn’t include anything in those that weren’t either Troops or Heavy Support.

In total, the list looks like: 1 HQ, 8x Troops, 6x Heavy Support. In hindsight, I’m surprised that such a list came out of me, but I s’pose I can mix it up now and again, right?

Anywho, I started out with the Flyrant (which I generally don’t care for, but people keep insisting she’s good), and then I knew I wanted to run a formation, but not exactly which one. I opted for the carnies as I thought it would let me overload on MC’s, which I thought would be good. With all of them having fleet, I put in some Trygons—hoping to deep strike them and create some sort of backfield shock (something I never do), and then I contemplated adding ‘stealers as my troops. That turned into another formation, and with only a few points left, I added Biovores and a cheap/fast moving troop choice to round out the list.

As is typical, there really isn’t much shooting in the list (although I did remember to give my hive Tyrant a gun). Given how good they’ve done in the last couple of games, I’m surprised I didn’t think to include a venomthrope. Continue reading

Tyranid Painting Progress: Arms & Guns

Nearing another great dipping fest, I figured I might as well do some more arms for my bugs.  I debated this at first, as I had enough to really handle every variation, but just not an excess of them.

wh39k2014ArmsWhat finally pushed me over the top is the new options that Hive Guard have.  Mine are all armed with scything talons, and though I think this might still be the best configuration, it would be nice to have other options.  So, off to ebay I went, and picked up some rending/crushing claws for them.  I wanted to pick up some whip/sword combos as well, but I couldn’t find any sellers that carried them, so I had to do without.

Anywho, while I was at it, I remembered that I seemed to often run out of rending claws/scything talons on my warriors, and I know I don’t have enough guns to outfit every warrior I had, so why not pick up some of those as well (assuming I could get them cheap enough).

So, in total, I managed to snag:

  • 3x Pairs of Scything Talons
  • 9x Pairs of Rending Claws
  • 6x Devourers
  • 3x Pairs of Crushing Claws (Hive Guard)
  • 3x Pairs of Rending Claws (Hive Guard)

I didn’t quite have enough magnets to do them all up (I was surprised at just how many magnets I needed), but I managed to use some larger magnets on the guns that allowed me to stretch what I had).  In short, they’re all cleaned up, magnetized and ready for primer.  I’m also out of small magnets, so I’m going to have to put in another order.  I still have time before dipping as well, so I might wind up picking up some more arms (like the whips/swords), but that remains to be seen.

Slowly, but surely, this is coming together.