Making More Mycetic Spores

Since I have a massive amount of models awaiting staining, I figure I might as well paint up any other models that need it, so I only have to get my hands dirty once.  With five completed mycetic spores, and a box full of components to make some more, why not round it out to an even number?

Well, that was the original intent.  I didn’t go back and reference how many I had originally done, so I made three more pods, figuring I’d round it out to an even eight mycetic spores.  Sure, that’s more than I’d likely ever use (outside of Apocalypse, I guess), but it’s a nice even number.  While that might be true, it turns out that I’d originally painted five pods, I’d actually made up six, and left one half-finished.  So, with the original six, plus my three new pods, that brings the total to an even 9.

Well, sort of.

These really don’t take too long to make, and take relatively few materials.  To be precise, they consist of:

  • Some barnacles (courtesy of eBay) –
  • Various Tyranid bits (for these three, I used ‘stealers, but in previous versions I used rippers and hormagaunts)
  • Hot glue (for the slime), and obviously a means of heating it.  I opted for a traditional hot glue gun, but if you’re cheap, you could opt for the Mr. Miagi hand friction method–but I’d advise against that.
  • Super glue – This might not be strictly necessary.  I used this to hold the tyranids in place before I squirted the hot glue into the holes.  I’d be willing to bet that you could squirt the glue first, and then shove the bits in while it was still maluable.
  • Some corrogated cardboard (for the base)
  • Filler for the cardboard – I opted for spackle.  If you used balsa wood for the base, you could skip this ingredient altogether though.

If you’re interested in detailed instructions as to how I make these things, you can find them in my original post on making mycetic spores.  You can also see finished examples of the spores at that link (scroll to the bottom and click on the thumbnails), in case you’re impatient and don’t want to wait a few weeks to see the results of these particular pods.

So anywho, where was I?  Oh yeah, originally I had only purchased enough barnacles to create six spores, but fell in love with them, so I purchased some more.  I guess I went a little overboard though, because after cobbling together three more, I have enough parts left over to make about half a dozen more.  I just can’t justify putting in the effort to make fifteen pods though, when I know I’ll never use anywhere near that many (again, except in an Apoc game–but considering  I have two hierophants, when will I have that many spare points laying around?).

Sure, I may be jaded, but I think these are the best mycetic spores you’ll find anywhere on the internet. While there are some nifty conversions, the ones based upon the concept of a single giant egg (ex. the Nerf Footballs) look too much like rejects from the little shop o’ horrors.  These barnacles just scream egg sacs to me.  Granted, they don’t make much sense for the monstrous creatures, but I don’t know that I’d use ’em for MC’s… and besides, they’re pretty!

So, that’s my take on that.  Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m off to paint these things!   If you’d like some more pics, click the thumbnails below or, like I said earlier, you could always check out my tutorial on making mycetic spores.

Thanks for dropping by!


11 comments on “Making More Mycetic Spores

    • Thanks for the kind words. I actually like your version–as it’s neither
      resembles a plastic egg or the cast of “Little Shop of Horrors.”

      If, however, you want to copy my idea, it’s rather cheap and a super simple

  1. I’ve been looking with some interest around the interwebs at different solutions to this idea since it was included in the codex. I have to say that yours, by far, are the most dynamic, interesting, and downright amazing I’ve seen.

    Beautiful work.

    • Thanks, B.

      At the risk of sounding conceited, I agree with you whole-heartedly. When I
      first saw an assembled version of this, I instantly knew this would be the
      next big thing on the internet, and it would be my ticket to fame and
      fortune. I’m actually fairly surprised that they haven’t caught on, but
      then again, this isn’t exactly the most popular blog on the internets, so
      perhaps it’s just due to a lack of exposure.

      Really though, my stance as a blogger has changed from a year ago. I’m no
      longer trying to impress the entire world. The fact that a few respected
      members of the community would come over to quietly compliment my work is
      more than enough to make me happy.

      Thanks again!

  2. I’m with the others – this is a great approach. As b.smoove says, this something special. It’s interesting the sea is inspiration since I’ve always thought some of the early art, design and writing on the Tyranids suggested marine life.

    • I agree. When I was last in Hawaii, I found myself scouring local shops for
      seashells, and there are some great looking options out there. I was
      particularly interested in spider conch shells–but just have to figure out
      what I can do with them. Sure, they’d make great terrain, but I’m trying to
      figure out how to model it into some sort of creature.

      And, like I said to the others, I appreciate your kind words. Thanks for
      dropping by. 🙂

  3. I’ve been thinking about what I want to do for my spores, and I may have come to a conclusion. I want to see something that looks like someone dropped a rock from a high distance and it plugged into mud, but then a seed sprouted from there, like a tulip pod opening or something…. so it would just be kind of leaves/pedals around an opening going into the ground, with spiked tentacles growing out of it.

    Only problem with this is that that would be an almost flat model, providing no cover, and I understand that we should be aiming for something approximately drop-pod sized that provides a bit of cover for the units it drops.

    Decisions, decisions!

    Also, I finally got the AoBR box so I might be ready to play my first game. Impressions here:

  4. I like these a lot. An interesting add might be some dye ink dropped/mixed into the glue as it’s warm for a dynamic ‘streaked snot’ effect. (If you want instructions on how to do this, I’m glad to share.)

    • I really debated doing something like that (or gluing after I painted
      them for a more translucent effect). I opted not to do it because I
      wasn’t sure how I’d put it into the mix. The way I saw it, I had to
      assemble, prime, paint, and stain… somewhere in there I had to glue
      it (any could work, but which was the *right* answer)?

      I opted to do it during assembly, mostly because I figured it would
      look more appropriate in the end. Quite possibly, this was the wrong
      decision, but I’m content with how they turned out.

      That said, I’m still curious as to how you’d propose to mix the
      coloring directly into the glue. Do you use glue sticks to achieve
      this (injecting the paint directly into the stick perhaps)?

  5. Pingback: Tyranid Quad-Gun (kitbash) | Warhammer 39,9999

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