Asking for Apocalypse Advice with Army Builder

Our next Apoc game is just two weeks away, and I need to start building an army.  The thing is, I don’t know what army I want to play, or really what army I can play.  To simplify things, I broke out Army Builder, and started to build some lists; however, I can’t seem to find a way to have the program allow me to take allied heavy support units.

I’m sure this is due to the fact that the normal rules for IG/WitchHunter/Marine/Daemonhunter allies preclude options from the slot entirely.  While that’s great for normal games, I’d like to be able to use AB to create an Apocalyptic force.

Has anyone out there any advice as to how I can create a single force within AB and include heavy support options from multiple codices?  I know that I could create multiple forces and then use a calculator to add up the values together, but if I wanted to use a calculator, I wouldn’t be using Army Builder!

Any suggestions are appreciated. 🙂

Beatles image from  Such a great band. 🙂

9 comments on “Asking for Apocalypse Advice with Army Builder

  1. I do this all the time with Army Builder, when building SoB/IG/GK lists.As below – Roster -> Rules – Check “Apocalypse”, and Trusted Allies only.Close that screen.In the Available units box, in the top right corner is a button with a flag on it.Click this, and it will bring up the list of armies you can pick from (your parent army is the one with the flag nect to it in the list).Pick and choose units to your hearts content.

  2. …I'm not sure how or why, but it somehow did. I had it set to Trusted, Distrusted and Hated, and I swear it didn't appear, but changing the setting to “Trusted only” worked like a charm. So, I figured Snowfire must've been right to set it to trusted; however, I changed it back and voila, everything showed up.Weird… But thanks for the help! 🙂

  3. Thanks, something between your advice and Rush's, and just clicking buttons again and again seems to have cleared it up. Methinks it may be time for a reinstall of the software. Mahalo!

  4. Have fun! I love apoc. I usually just print out each army separately. Do you guys play with any house rules? I don't like them or use them myself.

  5. Typically we don't play with much in the way of house rules (they're postedon the Apoc post). This time, we're gonna mix things up a bit and trysomething more in-line with first & second edition. I'll definitely do somewrite-ups afterwards as to what goes well and what flops horribly (hopefullynothing!).

  6. Typically we don't play with much in the way of house rules (they're postedon the Apoc post). This time, we're gonna mix things up a bit and trysomething more in-line with first & second edition. I'll definitely do somewrite-ups afterwards as to what goes well and what flops horribly (hopefullynothing!).

  7. Ok, perhaps I spoke a little too soon. While I can add Tau and such asallies, I have no choices for allied heavy support in Witch-hunters, anddon't see the orbital bombardment within the Daemonhunters options either.Any more advice?

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